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How To Fix Magnifier Doesn't Work With Inner Mode In Product Detail Page?

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Written by  Sarah
Thursday, 30 August 2018 11:41
How To Fix Magnifier Doesn't Work With Inner Mode In Product Detail Page? - 3.0 out of 5 based on 2 votes

Today, we are happy to show you how to fix Magento 2 issue: Magnifier not working for product image on product details page. It's showing overlay image after hovering over product image but it's not zooming the image.

Magento 2 Zoom Issue

Luckily, the solution to fix this is quite easy. You can apply the following way to fix it now.

Please go to lib\web\magnifier\magnifier.js and replace it by the following code:

Magento 2 Zoom Issue

* Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
(function ($) {
$.fn.magnify = function (options) {
'use strict';
var magnify = new Magnify($(this), options);
/*events must be tracked here*/
* Return that from _init function
return magnify;
function Magnify(element, options) {
var gOptions = options || {},
$box = $(element),
that = this,
largeWrapper = options.largeWrapper ||  '.magnifier-preview',
$largeWrapper = $(largeWrapper);
curThumb = null,
currentOpts = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 0,
h: 0,
lensW: 0,
lensH: 0,
lensBgX: 0,
lensBgY: 0,
largeW: 0,
largeH: 0,
largeL: 0,
largeT: 0,
zoom: 2,
zoomMin: 1.1,
zoomMax: 5,
mode: 'outside',
eventType: 'click',
status: 0,
zoomAttached: false,
zoomable: gOptions.zoomable !== undefined ?
: false,
onthumbenter: gOptions.onthumbenter !== undefined ?
: null,
onthumbmove: gOptions.onthumbmove !== undefined ?
: null,
onthumbleave: gOptions.onthumbleave !== undefined ?
: null,
onzoom: gOptions.onzoom !== undefined ?
: null
pos = {
t: 0,
l: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0
gId = 0,
status = 0,
curIdx = '',
curLens = null,
curLarge = null,
lensbg = gOptions.bg !== undefined ? gOptions.lensbg : true,
gZoom = gOptions.zoom !== undefined ?
: currentOpts.zoom,
gZoomMin = gOptions.zoomMin !== undefined ?
: currentOpts.zoomMin,
gZoomMax = gOptions.zoomMax !== undefined ?
: currentOpts.zoomMax,
gMode = gOptions.mode || currentOpts.mode,
gEventType = gOptions.eventType || currentOpts.eventType,
data = {},
inBounds = false,
isOverThumb = false,
rate = 1,
paddingX = 0,
paddingY = 0,
enabled = true,
showWrapper = true;
var MagnifyCls = {
magnifyHidden: 'magnify-hidden',
magnifyOpaque: 'magnify-opaque',
magnifyFull: 'magnify-fullimage'
* Update Lens positon on.
that.update = function () {
* Init new Magnifier
that.init = function () {
_init($box, options);
function _toBoolean(str) {
if (typeof str === 'string') {
if (str === 'true') {
return true;
} else if (str === 'false' || '') {
return false;
console.warn('Wrong type: can\'t be transformed to Boolean');
} else if (typeof str === 'boolean') {
return str;
function createLens(thumb) {
if ($(thumb).siblings('.magnify-lens').length) {
return false;
var lens = $('
'); $(thumb).parent().append(lens); } function updateLensOnLoad(idx, thumb, large, largeWrapper) { var lens = $box.find('.magnify-lens'), textWrapper; if (data[idx].status === 1) { textWrapper = $('
'); lens.className = 'magnifier-loader magnify-hidden'; textWrapper.html('Loading...'); lens.html('').append(textWrapper); } else if (data[idx].status === 2) { lens.addClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); lens.html(''); large.id = idx + '-large'; large.style.width = data[idx].largeW * rate + 'px'; large.style.height = data[idx].largeH + 'px'; large.className = 'magnifier-large magnify-hidden'; if (data[idx].mode === 'inside') { lens.append(large); } else { largeWrapper.html('').append(large); } } data[idx].lensH = data[idx].lensH > $thumb.height() ? $thumb.height() : data[idx].lensH; if (Math.round(data[idx].lensW) === 0) { lens.css('display', 'none'); } else { lens.css({ width: data[idx].lensW + 1 + 'px', height: data[idx].lensH - 1 + 'px', display: '' }); } } function getMousePos() { var xPos = pos.x - currentOpts.x, yPos = pos.y - currentOpts.y, t, l; inBounds = xPos < 0 || yPos < 0 || xPos > currentOpts.w || yPos > currentOpts.h ? false : true; l = xPos - currentOpts.lensW / 2; t = yPos - currentOpts.lensH / 2; if (currentOpts.mode !== 'inside') { if (xPos < currentOpts.lensW / 2) { l = 0; } if (yPos < currentOpts.lensH / 2) { t = 0; } if (xPos - currentOpts.w + Math.ceil(currentOpts.lensW / 2) > 0) { l = currentOpts.w - Math.ceil(currentOpts.lensW + 2); } if (yPos - currentOpts.h + Math.ceil(currentOpts.lensH / 2) > 0) { t = currentOpts.h - Math.ceil(currentOpts.lensH); } pos.l = l; pos.t = t; currentOpts.lensBgX = pos.l; currentOpts.lensBgY = pos.t; if (currentOpts.mode === 'inside') { currentOpts.largeL = xPos * (currentOpts.zoom - currentOpts.lensW / currentOpts.w); currentOpts.largeT = yPos * (currentOpts.zoom - currentOpts.lensH / currentOpts.h); } else { currentOpts.largeL = currentOpts.lensBgX * currentOpts.zoom * (currentOpts.largeWrapperW / currentOpts.w) * rate; currentOpts.largeT = currentOpts.lensBgY * currentOpts.zoom * (currentOpts.largeWrapperH / currentOpts.h); } } } function onThumbEnter() { if (_toBoolean(enabled)) { currentOpts = data[curIdx]; curLens = $box.find('.magnify-lens'); if (currentOpts.status === 2) { curLens.removeClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyOpaque); curLarge = $('#' + curIdx + '-large'); curLarge.removeClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); } else if (currentOpts.status === 1) { curLens.className = 'magnifier-loader'; } } } function onThumbLeave() { if (currentOpts.status > 0) { var handler = currentOpts.onthumbleave; if (handler !== null) { handler({ thumb: curThumb, lens: curLens, large: curLarge, x: pos.x, y: pos.y }); } if (!curLens.hasClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden)) { curLens.addClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); //$curThumb.removeClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyOpaque); if (curLarge !== null) { curLarge.addClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); } } } } function move() { if (_toBoolean(enabled)) { if (status !== currentOpts.status) { onThumbEnter(); } if (currentOpts.status > 0) { curThumb.className = currentOpts.thumbCssClass + ' magnify-opaque'; if (currentOpts.status === 1) { curLens.className = 'magnifier-loader'; } else if (currentOpts.status === 2) { curLens.removeClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); curLarge.removeClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); curLarge.css({ left: '-' + currentOpts.largeL + 'px', top: '-' + currentOpts.largeT + 'px' }); } pos.t = pos.t <= 0 ? 0 : pos.t; curLens.css({ left: pos.l + paddingX + 'px', top: pos.t + 1 + paddingY + 'px' }); if (lensbg) { curLens.css({ 'background-color': 'rgba(f,f,f,.5)' }); } else { curLens.get(0).style.backgroundPosition = '-' + currentOpts.lensBgX + 'px -' + currentOpts.lensBgY + 'px'; } var handler = currentOpts.onthumbmove; if (handler !== null) { handler({ thumb: curThumb, lens: curLens, large: curLarge, x: pos.x, y: pos.y }); } } status = currentOpts.status; } } function setThumbData(thumb, thumbData) { var thumbBounds = thumb.getBoundingClientRect(), w = 0, h = 0; thumbData.x = thumbBounds.left; thumbData.y = thumbBounds.top; thumbData.w = thumbBounds.right - thumbData.x; thumbData.h = thumbBounds.bottom - thumbData.y; if (thumbData.mode === 'inside') { w = thumbData.w; h = thumbData.h; } else { w = thumbData.largeWrapperW; h = thumbData.largeWrapperH; } thumbData.largeW = thumbData.zoom * w; thumbData.largeH = thumbData.zoom * h; thumbData.lensW = thumbData.w / thumbData.zoom / rate; thumbData.lensH = thumbData.h / thumbData.zoom; } function _init($box, options) { var opts = {}; if (options.thumb === undefined) { return false; } $thumb = $box.find(options.thumb); if ($thumb.length) { for (var key in options) { opts[key] = options[key]; } opts.thumb = $thumb; enabled = opts.enabled; if (_toBoolean(enabled)) { $largeWrapper.show().css('display', ''); $largeWrapper.addClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); set(opts); } else { $largeWrapper.empty().hide(); } } return that; } function hoverEvents(thumb) { $(thumb).on('mouseover', function (e) { if (showWrapper) { if (currentOpts.status !== 0) { onThumbLeave(); } handleEvents(e); isOverThumb = inBounds; } }).trigger('mouseover'); } function clickEvents(thumb) { $(thumb).on('click', function (e) { if (showWrapper) { if (!isOverThumb) { if (currentOpts.status !== 0) { onThumbLeave(); } handleEvents(e); isOverThumb = true; } } }); } function bindEvents(eType, thumb) { switch (eType) { case 'hover': hoverEvents(thumb); break; case 'click': clickEvents(thumb); break; } } function handleEvents(e) { var src = e.target; curIdx = src.id; curThumb = src; onThumbEnter(src); setThumbData(curThumb, currentOpts); pos.x = e.clientX; pos.y = e.clientY; getMousePos(); move(); var handler = currentOpts.onthumbenter; if (handler !== null) { handler({ thumb: curThumb, lens: curLens, large: curLarge, x: pos.x, y: pos.y }); } } function set(options) { if (data[options.thumb.id] !== undefined) { curThumb = options.thumb; return false; } var thumbObj = new Image(), largeObj = new Image(), $thumb = options.thumb, thumb = $thumb.get(0), idx = thumb.id, largeUrl, largeWrapper = $(options.largeWrapper), zoom = options.zoom || thumb.getAttribute('data-zoom') || gZoom, zoomMin = options.zoomMin || gZoomMin, zoomMax = options.zoomMax || gZoomMax, mode = options.mode || thumb.getAttribute('data-mode') || gMode, eventType = options.eventType || thumb.getAttribute('data-eventType') || gEventType, onthumbenter = options.onthumbenter !== undefined ? options.onthumbenter : currentOpts.onthumbenter, onthumbleave = options.onthumbleave !== undefined ? options.onthumbleave : currentOpts.onthumbleave, onthumbmove = options.onthumbmove !== undefined ? options.onthumbmove : currentOpts.onthumbmove; largeUrl = $thumb.data('original') || gOptions.full || $thumb.attr('src'); if (thumb.id === '') { idx = thumb.id = 'magnifier-item-' + gId; gId += 1; } createLens(thumb, idx); if (options.width) { largeWrapper.width(options.width); } if (options.height) { largeWrapper.height(options.height); } if (options.top) { if (typeof options.top == 'function') { var top = options.top() + 'px'; } else { var top = options.top + 'px'; } if (largeWrapper.length) { largeWrapper[0].style.top = top.replace('%px', '%'); } } if (options.left) { if (typeof options.left == 'function') { var left = options.left() + 'px'; } else { var left = options.left + 'px'; } if (largeWrapper.length) { largeWrapper[0].style.left = left.replace('%px', '%'); } } data[idx] = { zoom: zoom, zoomMin: zoomMin, zoomMax: zoomMax, mode: mode, eventType: eventType, thumbCssClass: thumb.className, zoomAttached: false, status: 0, largeUrl: largeUrl, largeWrapperId: mode === 'outside' ? largeWrapper.attr('id') : null, largeWrapperW: mode === 'outside' ? largeWrapper.width() : null, largeWrapperH: mode === 'outside' ? largeWrapper.height() : null, onthumbenter: onthumbenter, onthumbleave: onthumbleave, onthumbmove: onthumbmove }; rate = $thumb.width() / $thumb.height() / (data[idx].largeWrapperW / data[idx].largeWrapperH); paddingX = ($thumb.parent().width() - $thumb.width()) / 2; paddingY = ($thumb.parent().height() - $thumb.height()) / 2; showWrapper = false; $(thumbObj).on('load', function () { data[idx].status = 1; $(largeObj).on('load', function () { if (largeObj.width > largeWrapper.width() || largeObj.height > largeWrapper.height()) { showWrapper = true; bindEvents(eventType, thumb); data[idx].status = 2; data[idx].zoom = largeObj.height / largeWrapper.height(); setThumbData(thumb, data[idx]); updateLensOnLoad(idx, thumb, largeObj, largeWrapper); } }); largeObj.src = data[idx].largeUrl; }); thumbObj.src = thumb.src; } function onMousemove(e) { pos.x = e.clientX; pos.y = e.clientY; getMousePos(); if (gEventType === 'hover') { isOverThumb = inBounds; } if (inBounds && isOverThumb) { $largeWrapper.removeClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); move(); } else { onThumbLeave(); isOverThumb = false; $largeWrapper.addClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); } } function onScroll() { if (curThumb !== null) { setThumbData(curThumb, currentOpts); } } function onMouseLeave(e) { onThumbLeave(); isOverThumb = false; $largeWrapper.addClass(MagnifyCls.magnifyHidden); } $(window).on('scroll', onScroll); $(window).resize(function () { _init($box, gOptions); }); $box.on('mousemove', onMousemove); $box.on('mouseleave', onMouseLeave); _init($box, gOptions); } }(jQuery));

You can view and download these code here

Once you finished, please try to run SSH command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade 

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f 

php bin/magento cache:flush

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