ChildFood is a stunning and adorable Baby Shop PrestaShop theme. It's right fit for selling baby food, kids fashion, baby clothing, kids clothing, kids outfits & baby shoes or other products for baby shop & kids store.
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Prestashop Themes
SP MoonLight is a PrestaShop 1.7 Responsive Theme with trending designs. Suitable for cosmetics/beauty stores and others multipurpose online website. SP MoonLight is a flexible theme that includes all the eCommerce features and ton of customizable options to enable you to launch an online shopping with a short time.
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Prestashop Themes
FuniHome is one of the Best Multipurpose PrestaShop Responsive Themes, which enables you to create a fully-functional, fresh and modern website for your furniture store, interior store.
FuniHome comes with a great user experience and usability eCommerce features included and Home Slider supported. Furthermore, FuniHome supports for multilingual and RTL languages. It can be used for worldwide users with the amazing loading speed, SEO optimization and a lot of powerful features.
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Prestashop Themes
Shopee is a PrestaShop 1.7 Responsive Theme with trending designs. Suitable for supermarket, digital store, fashion store, furniture stores and others multipurpose online website. Shopee is a flexible theme that includes all the eCommerce features and ton of customizable options to enable you to launch an online shopping with a short time.
The appealing theme comes with unlimited color variations that allows you to change the color of all elements easily. You will be given the possibility to effortlessly build an unique eCommerce website that stands out of the crowd. Moreover, the theme supports many cutting-edge features: Mega Menu, Product Quick View, multilingual and RTL support, Boxed Layout … Check out more interesting features of it. We’re sure you’ll love it
Now is time for you to discover live demo and checkout if you really love! Let’s view some prominent features!
Stunning Homepage Layout
Built with Bootstrap 3 and CSS3
Support Responsive Layout
Wide and Boxed layouts options
Integrated Google Fonts
Blog Extension: Smartblog with category, article, tag, comment etc…
Multi – language and currency support
Newsletter subscribe
Grid / List view: Allow to display your products in either list or grid view
Product “Sale” and “New” labels for discounted and new products
Include extensions: SP Manufacture Slider, SP Listing Tabs, SP Footer Links, SP Extra Slider, SP Deal, SP Custom Html, SP Categories, SP Mega Menu, SP Vertical Megamenu, SP Newsletter block, SP Slider for your Homepage, SP Product Comments, SP Instagram Gallery, SP Search Pro, SP Theme Configuration, SP Shopping cart, SP Language selector block, SP Currency Block
Manufacturer logos slider
Various color styles and typography by powerful C-panel
Unlimited Color Styles
Cross-browser: IE 10+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+ and Chrome
W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid
100% table-less design, based on CSS3 with many animated effects
Social networks integration
Additional Footer, Back to top button and Navigation links
PSD theme files included for FREE!
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Prestashop Themes
AutoStore is a PrestaShop Responsive Theme with trending designs specially for Autoparts/ Car Accessory… Autostore is a flexible theme that includes all the eCommerce features and ton of customizable options to enable you to launch an online shopping with a short time.
[NEW UPDATE] Ajax Attribute Search Integrated: A flexible, easy and robust product attribute filter for your shop. Just simply choose the desired terms, it finds matching products and shows them on the homepage
Compatible with Prestashop Version:,,,,,,,,,
Built with Bootstrap 3 and CSS3
Support Responsive Layout
Wide and Boxed layouts options
Integrated Google Fonts
Blog Extension: Smartblog with category, article, tag, comment etc…
Multi – language and currency support
Newsletter subscribe
Grid / List view: Allow to display your products in either list or grid view
Product “Sale” and “New” labels for discounted and new products
Include extensions: SP Attribute Search, SP Manufacture Slider, SP Listing Tabs, SP Footer Links, SP Extra Slider, SP Deal, SP Custom Html, SP Categories, SP Mega Menu, SP Vertical Megamenu, SP Newsletter block, SP Slider for your Homepage, SP Product Comments, SP Instagram Gallery, SP Search Pro, SP Theme Configuration, SP Shopping cart, SP Language selector block, SP Currency Block
Manufacturer logos slider
Various color styles and typography by powerful C-panel
Unlimited Color Styles
Cross-browser: IE 10+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+ and Chrome
W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid
100% table-less design, based on CSS3 with many animated effects
Social networks integration
Additional Footer, Back to top button and Navigation links
PSD theme files included for FREE!
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Prestashop Themes
Metro is a PrestaShop 1.7 Responsive Theme with trending designs. Suitable for supermarket, digital store, fashion store, furniture stores and others multipurpose online website. Metro is a flexible theme that includes all the eCommerce features and ton of customizable options to enable you to launch an online shopping with a short time.
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Prestashop Themes
Hi guys!
MagenTech team has working hard to make our Magento 2 Themes to be compatible with latest Magento 2.2.3 version. Besides, we also fixed some issues as reported
The following themes updated to Magento 2.2.3. Now, let's take a look at these themes and pick up your ones here.
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As you may know, MagenTech sells products including Prestashop, Magento, OpenCart, WordPress Themes & extensions on both our sites and ThemeForest MarketPlace.
We're on top 100 popular authors on ThemeForest with a variety of themes, templates and plugins that're on top best-selling items.
If you're using our themes and love their designs and features, you can earn money from them by joining Envato Affiliate Program. You can earn 30% commission per sale for a new registered user on the ThemeForest Marketplace.
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SP TopDeal is an integrated of blocks. However, these blocks are combined together and become an modern and logical-looking theme. With a powerful Admin Panel, users can do more than they think about the name - TopDeal. Based on PrestaShop 1.7, TopDeal is suitable for many kinds of business: Fashion, Digital, Accessories or even the mixture of them.
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Prestashop Releases
SP TopDeal is an integrated of blocks. However, these blocks are combined together and become an modern and logical-looking theme. With a powerful Admin Panel, users can do more than they think about the name – TopDeal. Based on PrestaShop 1.7 and 1.6, TopDeal is suitable for many kinds of business: Fashion, Digital, Accessories or even the mixture of them.
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Prestashop Themes