It's pleased to announce that: SM SlideShow has been updated and ready for Magento 1.7.x. With this new version 2.0.0, your module is responsive layout and fixed some issues to work smoothly. To discover more SM Slideshow's features, let's take a tour on this blog post and you'll love it!

For more detail please see the CHANGELOG:
VERSION 2.0.1 - Released on 19-Aug-2013
+ Respond well on all devices
VERSION 2.0.0 - Released on 13-Jul-2013
+ Support Responsive Layout
VERSION 1.1.0 - Released on 21-Dec-2011
+ Add feature: Reading images from a folder
# Fix issue in v1.0.0
VERSION 1.0.0 - Released on 22-Jan-2011
MORE DETAIL Hope you will enjoy these new features!
And of course, we are looking forward to receiving your feedback to improve the job. Let us know what expected things you wish for the next version, we will try work hard to make that come true.
Thanks for reading this!