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Tutorials and Case studies

How To Disable Page Builder In Magento 2

Written by Hoant
Read 1030 times
How To Disable Page Builder In Magento 2 - 3.5 out of 5 based on 2 votes

Page Builder in Magento 2 allows creating rich-content pages with custom layouts that drive more customer engagement and loyalty. 

Page Builder includes a bunch of features that are designed to improve quality and reduce the time of creating custom pages. Some of these features are: Advanced content tools, Full-page layouts ( for CMS pages, products, and categories), Drag and drop page design, Rich assortment of content types, Real-time editing from the workspace, and Custom product attribute input types

Magento 2 Change Admin URL

Written by Hoant
Read 805 times
Magento 2 Change Admin URL - 2.0 out of 5 based on 4 votes

Security is always the first and foremost critical component in running an online store. We can not deny the popularity of Magento - One of the most widely used CMS platforms out there.

Meanwhile, cyber-attacks are undoubtedly on the rise. It comes as no surprise that Magento has become the prime target of hackers for illegal purposes.

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